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Voicemail / IVR / Auto Attendant

Do you need a professional recording for your telephone system?
Is your presentation in need of that professional touch?

Voicemail. IVR. Auto attendant prompts. It all sounds so confusing. And when you do hear it, more often than not, it just sounds plain...bad. That's because you probably just had your receptionist or I-T guy read the prompts from a hastily-prepared script directly over the phone. Do you really want your company's professional image - and often your caller's first impression - compromised by untrained personnel pretending to be a 'radio' personality? They're trying their best...however...
That's exactly why you need a professionally-voiced and edited voicemail recording for your business...created by professionals who've been producing thousands of top-quality voicemail, IVR and auto attendant prompts for over 25 years - the pros at Ocean Breeze Communications. We employ the best voice actors in the industry, and our scriptwriters can really bring those boring old voice prompts to life. Let's face it, no one likes automated attendants...but, at Ocean Breeze, we'll create something that's pleasant to listen to and help callers navigate the seemingly endless wave of automated commands. And our professional audio engineers will mix down to any audio format, sample and bit-rate known on a very down-to-earth rate.

No ums. No ahs. No crackles. No nasally voices. Get your voicemail prompts done Ocean Breeze Communications. Call today 1-855-808-6225

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